Manga won another award!
"Official" updates to Manga are available on !Store; and Manga will look for updates posted here automatically if you enable the beta track update checking. It is best to either use !Store, or let Manga check for updates automatically.


AcornHTTP module issues

Due to issues as yet unknown, there are various different versions of the AcornHTTP module floating around. The code does not appear to have been changed, it seems more like something in the build process is generating defective code. Well, that's my guess. Read more about the issue on the ROOL forum.

Versions of Manga as of v0.55 will detect the broken HTTP module and throw an error.
You can download a known good version from here. The one you see first is the one that works on Doug's machine (and mine), and the "alternative" (just in case!) is the one that I've always used.
No, they're not binary identical, but they're both version 1.04. Please direct your frustration towards ROOL...

The module goes in... !Boot.Resources.!System.310.Modules.Network.URL (phew!)


All released versions are available. Note that previous versions are for hysterical raisins only, use the latest available.

Thanks to Doug for discovering various issues, and helping to get them fixed.

List of changes in each version.

As of version 0.37, the SecureSockets module is no longer supplied with Manga. If you need it, download a copy (v1.05); but note that it is no longer necessary or supported as of version 0.46.

© 2021 Rick Murray